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Video Producer . Writer .

Born in Barcelona. December 1996.

Driven by a strong curiosity to keep learning and overcome challenges, I graduated in Audiovisual Communication and Cinema. Now, I am building a creative environment where I can channel my passion and imagination into innovative and inspiring projects.

I would like to think I’m empathetic, sociable, forward-thinking and always demanding of myself. I thrive in an environment that relies on multitasking and team cooperation. I push myself to learn fast and to adapt quickly to challenging situations. This includes taking the lead if necessary. When it comes to projects, I aim to always find a balance between following the workflow steps, but also to proactively communicate my own ideas on innovation and creativity.

Achievements I feel proud about:

- I won the DOC-U award for the best short documentary at the DOCS Barcelona festival, with the help of my colleagues Bea Pérez Martín, Misael de Palma and Enric Verdaguer.

- We were awarded with a special mention at Menorca Film Festival for the documentary Nobody is Perfect


- I had a recognition by the catalan autonomic television (TV3) after having delivered 5 reportages that were broadcasted in the TV program Blog Europa (

- I gathered, along with my team, 2000 euros in a crowdfuning campaign for the short movie The suitcase (

- I worked as a creative videographer and video editor for the company Bynder at the city of Amsrterdam.


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